zumbini ®

Unfortunately, at this time we are not offering Zumbini

Perfect for moms, dads and caregivers!

Sing, dance, & play as you bond with your child

Created by Zumba® and BabyFirst for kids ages 0-4 years.


zumbini® program combines music, dance and educational tools for 45 minutes of can’t-stop, won’t-stop bonding, learning, and fun!

Silliness and wacky dance moves are
not required – but highly, highly encouraged.

Give your little one A Healthier, Happier, More Enjoyable Start. 

Each zumbini® class will aide in your child’s developement:

Emotional Development through dancing, moving, feeling & singing

Enhancing Cognitive Skills by stimulating both sides of the brain

Balance & Rhythm by enhancing motor skills and learning to bounce to the beat

Developing Social Skills while interacting with other kids and solving puzzles

Strengthening Your Bond by spending quality time celebrating your child (& inner-child)